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If movie making was more like baseball, the writer and director behind Trick would be candidates for the Rookie of the Year award in their respective crafts. Trick is the story of two young, gay men in New York City who have met, want to get naked and nasty with one another and through a comedy of errors have no place to go and do the "wild thing" at.
Christian Campbell is Gabriel. He wants more than anything to have one of the musicals he has written or is writing, produced on Broadway. John Paul Pitoc, in a stunning motion picture debut, is Mark. Mark is a go-go boy at a gay bar that Gabriel visits. After he leaves the bar, Gabriel is riding the subway homeward when he encounters Mark. They somehow manage to pick one another up and get back to Gabriel's place.
But there's a problem. Gabriel's roommate Rich is due home soon with his girlfriend, who has been in France for months. He told Gabriel that morning that he would need the apartment as he intended to score. Mark clearly wants Gabriel and they are about to get hot and heavy, but the door opens and Rich walks in.
It is in this stage of the film, after they've met and while they are looking for a place to consummate their meeting that Trick is at its best. It shows us the development of a potential relationship that may transcend the one-night stand cliché. There is genuine interest by Mark in Gabriel's music.
What really surprised me about Trick was seeing Tori Spelling demonstrate an ability to portray more than one emotion. I had no idea she had any real ability. How much is there remains to be seen, but hopefully she will move from this to roles that will allow her more opportunity to show what she's capable of doing with a better part.
Trick is different than many "gay" films in that there are no references to AIDS or any social commentary. No critique of homophobia, nothing of that sort. This is a romantic comedy, through and through. It is funny, with one scene in a piano bar that...well, if you feel the need for popcorn and the scene shifts to a piano bar where Gabriel's music classmate Perry is about to sing, wait three minutes for the snacks. Trust me, it will be worth it, just like Trick is.
Content © 1999-2001 Four-oh-four A.M. Productions.
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