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The music and the images of the 70s come to life on the big screen. One of Dick's biggest assets is the music. The soundtrack features 9 different number 1 hit songs. For someone like me who was in school during the time of Watergate, Dick is the perfect blend of visual and audio to take me back to that dark era of American history.

That this is a comedy is all the better. We had the dramatic version of these events, brought to life in Oliver Stone's Nixon along with Stone's customary poetic license with the history of the United States. Dick is a fun-filled romp about two high school-aged girls who manage to get themselves mixed up in the events at the Watergate break-in and subsequently at the White House.

Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams are Betsy and Arlene. Best friends and typical of high school aged-children of the time. Their story is told in flashback by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (ably played by Will Ferrell and Bill McCullough) who are appearing on a cable talk-show. The host ask the pair the still burning question of the Watergate era, "Who is Deep Throat"? While they won't tell the host, we find out that these two girls are the ones who blew the whistle on the Watergate cover-up.

How they managed to become the "Official White House Dog-walkers" and the rest of their adventures are funny enough that I won't describe them. Just as I hate trailers that tell the whole movie's story and show all the best scenes months before the movie opens, I also loathe reviews that give away too much. I will say that the performances are good and they are perfectly matched to the music and images before you on screen. Dan Hedaya's "Nixon", Saul Rubinek's "Kissinger", and Dave Foley's "Haldeman" are all dead-on impressions. Dunst, who sparkled earlier this summer in Drop Dead Gorgeous is the better of the two leads, though Williams has a few strong scenes in which her love obsession changes.

When I saw the trailer for this movie my first reaction was that it looked stupid. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is witty and will make you laugh.

